López de Haro Rioja Tempranillo

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López de Haro Graciano

López de Haro Graciano

López de Haro Garnacha


López de Haro Garnacha

López de Haro Garnacha has violet red tones in the glass. In the nose, the wine is intense with lots of red fruit and Mediterranean forest notes. In the taste it is balanced with soft, sweet tannins and a powerful lingering finish.

The grapes come from vineyards located in the heart of La Rioja, surrounded by the Sierra de Cantabria mountain and the Ebro River to the south. This area has an ancient tradition of winemaking. Lopez de Haro combines exceptional quality, the genuine character of the region and love for wine.

This wine is made from 100% Garnacha. A selection of old vineyards with very low yields settled on poor soils of the terraces of the Ebro in the area of ​​San Vicente de la Sonsierra (La Rioja). Harvesting here is done manually in October. Followed by maceration for 2 weeks and controlled fermentation at 28ºC. The wines are then aged for another 10 months in oak barrels.

Wine - Food pairing

Delicious with Oriental meat dishes, short ribs, pork belly, roast beef and game.

López de Haro Garnacha

López de Haro Garnacha is a delicious Spanish red wine from the Rioja region in Spain. This wine is made from Garnacha grapes.

Recommended serving temperature between 16°C and 18°C.

Bodega López de Haro

Bodega López de Haro is located in the historic village of San Vincente de la Sonsierra. Here, Bodega López de Haro rises above a "sea of ​​vineyards" flanked by the rivers Ebro and Sierra de Toloño. The bodega is completely excavated on the side of a mountain. The wine selection is named after Don Diego López de Haro, founder of the city of Bilbao. Hacienda López de Haro is a series of wines that combines the simplicity and elegance of great classics with today's consumer tastes. The terroir in this region is made of calcareous clay. This results in a wine with refined freshness and a pleasant length and aftertaste.

All the wines at Bodega Hacienda López de Haro have something in common: grapes from the best wine regions of the D.O. Rioja, the dedication with which the winemakers work the vineyard and the affection the winemakers put into the preparation of each wine. From the moment the grapes are received in the bodega, only gravity is used to move the wine. That means no pumps are used, which is better for the grapes and ultimately better for the wine.

More Information
Product López de Haro Garnacha
Country Spain
Producer - Brand Bodega López de Haro
Type of wine Red
Region Rioja
Grape variety Other grapes red
Price per bottle €14.95
Vintage Mail: info@le-connaisseur.nl
Minimum number 6